Top 7 tips for improving your daily routine


It is essential to have a healthy daily routine. It is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle and prevents you from developing numerous health problems down the line. It is not only important for your physical health, but also protects your mental health.

When your daily routine is out of place, then numerous aspects of your life will be affected. Therefore, you need to put some effort into setting up your daily schedule in the most optimal way possible. This involves a proper sleep cycle, getting the right nutrients, and having enough time to socialize as well as wind down. So, here are a few tips to help you optimize your daily routine.

Create a written schedule

The first thing you need to do is sit down and draft a proper written schedule. Divide your day into your work and personal responsibilities and set aside some time for each task. In addition, give yourself personal time and social breaks in between as well.

You can use the weekly planner template on PosterMyWall to draft this schedule and print out a few copies to put up on your fridge or over your desk.

Stay hydrated and get your nutrition

The parents and grandparents were right all along. You need to drink enough water and eat well to maintain a healthy daily routine. Put in meal breaks in your schedule and set aside time to plan healthy and balanced meals as well. You should have a balanced diet, and also ensure you get as much vitamins and minerals as possible through healthy, well-prepared food.

In addition, you need to drink water throughout the day. Get one of those big bottles which remind you when it’s time to drink. This will give you a visible hydration goal, and be more convenient than just counting glasses as well. Try to reduce your caffeine intake as well, and opt for healthy, nutritious drinks.

Fix your sleep cycle

A decent sleep cycle is absolutely essential for a good daily routine. So, make sure you have a set bedtime, and have a proper space conducive to relaxed sleep. Tuck yourself in at the given bedtime, and eliminate all distractions like phones and TVs from this space.

You can even set a sleep routine, with practices like nightly skincare, short sleep meditations, and lavender essential oils. This will make you feel good about going to bed, and put you in the right headspace to sleep well.

Practice meditation and exercise

One of the best ways to fix your daily routine is to develop a disciplined yet relaxed mindset. Meditation and exercise can help you feel great about yourself, and also establish a good routine.

Make sure you start the day off with some sort of physical or mental exercise. This will put you in an active state of mind, and get you ready to tackle the day with a fresh start. You should also include a workout in your day, whether it is cardio, strength training, or even something fun like Zumba.

Connect with loved ones

You can get into a rut and feel low when you’re not connecting with your friends and family enough. Take account of who is important in your life, and make the effort to get in touch with them regularly.

Open up to these loved ones, and socialize with them as well. This will make you feel happy and refreshed, all set to look forward to your day. So, it is essential to set time aside for socializing, whether it is in person, on Facetime, or through messages.

Establish work-life boundaries

If your personal and professional boundaries get blurred, then your daily routine can get quite disturbed. So, follow your schedule in a highly disciplined manner. Do not carry out personal and professional tasks at the same time. Make sure you compartmentalize, so that you are in the right headspace for whatever you have to do.

This will not only make you more present as a person, but also make you more productive as a professional. It will also prevent any frustration on either end from blending into both aspects of your life.

Regulate your screen time

This is one of the major factors which may mess up your daily routine. When you have access to a screen blaring light and information into your eyes at all times, you can find it hard to get into the right mindset for each situation. It also creates a strain on your eyes, and prevents your body from generating enough melatonin to sleep well.

So, use the screen time control tools on your phones, and regulate how much you use your phone. In addition, completely wind down when you need to exercise, focus, or sleep. Put your phone away from these spaces, so that you’re not distracted and your mind has enough time to wind down.

In conclusion, if your daily routine is out of place, it’s not too hard to fix. You just need to make a few lifestyle changes to create the best routine possible and be your best self.